some common types of dental misdiagnosis claim

As an adult, you’re responsible for your overall health – to ensure to live comfortably and to the full. However, when you think of your physical health, your teeth might not be the first thing that comes to mind. But are, in fact, one of the most important things you need to take care of in your adult life.

Why is it important to take care of your teeth?

Firstly, your baby teeth fall out during your childhood. The second set of teeth that replace them are all you’ll have to rely on the rest of your life. When you’re relying on your teeth daily, you must have checks at regular intervals from a professional. Alongside daily brushing, it’s the best way to avoid the long-term, painful problems that can occur.

‘You are relying on your teeth everyday.’

Sometimes, however, the professionals can get it wrong. Below are the three most common dental misdiagnosis claims that can occur. When getting dental care, be ready to know what to do when a dental misdiagnosis does happen.

Dental Misdiagnosis Claim #1: Nerve Injury

Nerve injury is the result of errors during dental surgery and can come with a multitude of symptoms. Such as:

  • Pain in your jaw, cheek, forehead, or eye
  • Burning sensation in the jaw
  • Tugging sensation on the tongue
  • No or lacking control over your saliva

If a dental professional dismisses these symptoms, that constitutes a medical misdiagnosis you can file a claim for. You may not realise you are eligible to make a claim for dental negligence, so contact professionals if you feel your symptoms are in line with any mentioned above.

Dental Misdiagnosis Claim #2: Oral cancer

Cancer is an illness that no one likes to think about but is something you should be constantly vigilant for as the earlier you catch the disease, the better chances you have of making a full recovery and avoiding months of potentially invasion treatment.

If you go to your dental professional with symptoms such as loose teeth, a developing lump in your mouth, or difficulty swallowing, and they either do not conduct a proper medical investigation to rule out the possibility of cancer, or diagnose your symptoms incorrectly, then you have the basis to make a claim against them for failing to do their job correctly. Dentist negligence claims can be more readily obtained than some people may be aware of, so keep this in mind with your next check-up.

Dental Misdiagnosis Claim #3: Dental abscess

With almost every health problem, the main thing that will always cause your condition to worsen is not getting the correct treatment and medication. When it comes to dental abscesses this is even more important given the severe pain this condition can cause an individual.

A dental abscess is a pocket of pus that develops in the mouth due to a bacterial infection. If this is not picked up on by your dentist and spreads to your jaw or develops into sepsis, this can become a life-threatening ordeal which means you are well within your rights to make a claim.

What can you do?

In order to begin making a claim, you need to get in touch with professionals who specialise in cases of medical negligence to guide you through the process and help you get the result you deserve.