You expect to receive the expert knowledge and care from a dental professional at all times. Moreover, you need to do much for the sake of oral hygiene on a day to day basis. For instance, much of your work needs that regular, dependable dental treatment checkup. Dental error, however, is a reality, and the amount of compensation for the problems it causes depends on the depraved standard of care.

While this is something everyone should come to expect of those training and working in the field of dentistry. But the fact of the matter is that sometimes these people you put your trust into will make some errors.

Make sure you get the treatment you need to make sure that your teeth and mouth stay healthy. To get the justice you deserve should something go wrong, we can guide you. This article offers essential information to get you by answering some of the big questions regarding dental error.

Starting simple with dental error

Before you go on the specifics of a dental error, you first need to understand what a general medical error is.

Boiled down to its most basic level, a dental error is something which is preventable and potentially causes you harm. This is something that is unacceptable and can have a highly adverse effect on your health going forward. Dental negligence should not be ignored, so it is important patients are familiar with what constitutes as a dental error.

What examples of dental error are there?

There are many ways and forms in which a dental error can occur. So being familiar with some of the more common errors can help you to spot this early on.

In turn, you’ll start getting both the treatment and justice you deserve as soon as possible. This can involve a medical negligence case involving a dental claim, for instance. Ultimately, we aim to get you what you deserve and sort out the best possible outcome.

One such error where a dentist failed is that of misdiagnosis. This can be a particularly bad case of a dental error, too. There exists the possibility of not receiving the treatment you need to get better. Moreover, they might actually make matter worse by offering treatment and/or medication that you do not need.

Linked to this and another example of a dental error is a dismissal of symptoms. For example, say you go in with complaints of a lump forming in your mouth. In turn, this could be an early indicator of oral cancer.

But in this hypothetical situation, your dentist responds to this by not following the correct procedure. Prior to you discovering you have cancer at a later date, this is malpractice. At this point in the proceedings, claiming for medical negligence should be considered.

Type of dental negligence compensation claims

Some other examples you might cite in your claim for dental negligence include:

  • Surgery on the wrong tooth;
  • Misdiagnosis of gum disease;
  • Root canal treatment;
  • Poor corrective treatment;
  • Pain and suffering from a lack of informed consent.

What can you do when you experience dental error?

Perhaps you find yourself the unpleasant situation of having found yourself suffering from a dental error. If so, you need to do two things immediately.

  1. Getting an appointment with a dentist who you trust. It’s all in order to get you onto the right course of treatment, medication, and/or surgery. Thus, you ensure that you are able to get back to being in the peak of health quickly.
  2. Seek the advice of legal professionals who specialise in medical negligence claims. This can ensure you can get justice and compensation for the fallout and aftermath of the medical negligence you experience.

Seeking a dental negligence solicitor?

The Medical Negligence Experts work with the nation’s leading solicitors in the field of dental negligence. For dental error and mistakes, we determine if your case rises to a sufficient level to claim compensation for. You’re under no obligation at your initial free conversation with us. In addition, we can offer you a No Win No Fee service if we determine you have a case.

Moreover, we only work with law firms registered and authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority.